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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

SpongeBob SquarePants 400 a good or bad idea?


This weekend at Kansas Speedway, NASCAR will be holding it's Sprint Cup Series race at Kansas under the name the "SpongeBob SquarePants 400," which will be a 400-mile race. I'm on the fence of wether it's a good idea to name this race with the name that it has. The race being under this name is good because NASCAR may begin to get the younger audience that they keep saying that they've wanted. It may boost marketing in children's NASCAR merchandise and may boost TV ratings in a way that more minors view the races. But here's the bad side, some people, especially the NASCAR fans who were around in the good il' days of racing back in the 60's, 70's and 80's, almost definately could care less about this yellow sponge who talks and lives in a pineapple somewhere in the ocean. Also, FOX may have to air some children's ads during TV breaks to match with the race. I'm pretty sure that this won't go well with older viewing audiences.

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